
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Notes for Cache coherence

Notes for Cache coherence

Hi friends,
Pls check our cse-b id in our facebook..
I have just added much inforation into it.........
thank you..

Saturday, 26 March 2011

DBMS & OOPS Record

Hi Karthikeya sent us the DBMS & OOPS record.....
Please take these printouts and try to write outputs on those...
if you find any errors pls try to correct them and take printouts...

Download: OOPS | DBMS

Special thanks to karthikeya

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

DBMS Notes (Unit 7- Recovery Systems)

Hi Guys,

Attached complete notes for the 7th Unit (Recovery System)

Prepare well for the Exam.

All the best
click here to Download


Saturday, 19 March 2011

source code for netbeans IDE

Have ever seen source code for a software..???
As we are CSE students, we are curious about how the programs will be for a software..
If you want to look at the source code for a software,
make it possible by downloading source provided by

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Can you write your own code

Dear Friends

Please read this article. It talks about how the average student in an engineering college in India are unable to write their own code and how FOSS (free and open source) movement can change this.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

A start-up called Posterous

Dear friends

Check this out. A company called "Posterous" has created a new way to post blogs. Here is the link to the article.

Preposterous means something so absurd or insanely impossible that it cannot be imagined. "Kenya winning the World Cup is preposterous". So the name of this company is taken from this word.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

algorithm to change a Postfix expression (P) to infix expression (I)

Dear Friends

Here is the algorithm to change a Postfix Expression to Infix Expression -

You want a program to convert something like

( 3 ( 4 2 + ) 5 * )


( ( 3 * ( 4 + 2 ) ) * 5 )

Suppose you have a list of tokens ('(', numbers, operators, ')')
as the programs input. The algorithm is:

1.scan the postfix expression and for each character do the following

if [token is '('] then
push '(' on the stack

else if [token is number] then
push number on the stack

else if [token is operator] then
pop off two elements a,b
if top element on stack is '(' then
pop off the '('
push back on "(a operator b)"
break while
push back on "(a operator b)"
end while

else if [token is ')'] then

2. After you reach the end of the postfix expressionb read the stack and append to the infix expression

For example click here

algorithm to evaluate a Postfix expression

Dear Friends

Here is the algorithm to evaluate a Postfix expression

1. Add a right parenthesis “)” at the end of P. [This acts as a sentinel.]

2. Scan P from left to right and repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each element of P until the sentinel “)” is encountered.

3. If an operand is encountered, put it on STACK.

4. If an operator x is encountered, then:
a. Remove the two top elements of STACK, where A is the top element and B is the next-top element.
b. Evaluate B⊗A.
c. Place the result of (b) back on STACK.
[End of If structure.]

[End of Step 2 loop.]

5. Set VALUE equal to the top element to STACK

6. Exit

OOPS programs (8th mar,2011)

OOPS programs (8th mar,2011)

OOPS.rar mediafire | ziddu

Monday, 7 March 2011

DAA topics

Collection of topics from various textbooks.


Travelling sales person
graph coloring
cook's theorem
by connected

Add caption

DAA.rar mediafire | ziddu

Thursday, 3 March 2011

DBMS notes 1,3,5,8 units..

Hi friends...
DBMS notes for download..
All the slides are scanned and uploaded..
Other units are also updated soon..
A sample image from notes

DBMS_UNIT-1 Mediafire | Ziddu
DBMS_UNIT-3 Mediafire | Ziddu
DBMS_UNIT-5 Mediafire | Ziddu
DBMS_UNIT-8 Mediafire | Ziddu